The document includes strategic information from the 6 case studies describing objectives, hazards,
validation analysis, and outputs for infrastructure owners and operators.
Results Fact Sheets are divided in different sections with latest technical data:
- Traffic Module Tool
- Fragility Functions, Vulnerability Functions and Decision Support Interpreter Module Tool
- Virtual Modelling Platform Tool
- Alerting SAS platform Tool
- Governance Module
- Risk Mapping Tool
- Bridge Flooding Model Tool
- Command and Control Center
- A Fully Stochastic Flooding Prediction Methodology
- Hybrid Data Assessment For Diagnosis And Prognosis Tool
- Cyber-attack assessment – Madrid Calle 30
In addition, contact details of the experts who contributed to the guidelines can be found in the document:
This document will be further explained during the workshop organised by the Stakeholders Reference Group on the 27 January 2022.