The new EU research collaborative project FORESEE organised the kick-off meeting at Tecnalia headquarters in Bilbao (Spain).
Researchers will work during the next 42 months developing a toolkit able to reduce the impact of disruptive events on the transport assets (bridges, tunnels, pavement, slopes, terminals) and facilitating the deployment of mobility contingency plans for citizens and freight in such critical situations.
FORESEE aims at increasing resilience of transport infrastructure in case of human and natural hazards as extreme weather events, landslides and earthquakes. Its innovative element relies on a multimodal approach both for railway and road networks by implementing EU priorities in a long-term perspective combined with asset management strategies. In addition, the research will establish preventive maintenance and upgrading actions as claimed by the ERF in different during last years.
The European consortium is composed of 18 partners gathering main actors involved in the infrastructure lifetime as road managers, developers, research centres, universities, standardisation bodies or road organisations.
Transport authorities, operators and users will benefit of the FORESEE solution which will be able to extend lifetime and good performance of the infrastructure.