SRG discussions on “Measuring the resilience of, and prioritizing interventions for, road transport systems in practice”

SRG discussions on “Measuring the resilience of, and prioritizing interventions for, road transport systems in practice”

SRG discussions on “Measuring the resilience of, and prioritizing interventions for, road transport systems in practice” 150 150 Foreseeproject

On the 21th January, more than 50 participants joined the 4th webinar of the FORESEE Stakeholders Reference Group with presentations from ETH Zurich, Autostrade per l’Italia and Cemosa.

SRG Chairman Jesús Rodríguez conducted the discussions under the topic “Measuring the resilience of, and prioritizing interventions for, road transport systems in practice”. The meeting is following-up the conclusions of the last webinar (18-06-2020) when the algorithms to determine optimal restoration and risk reduction intervention programs were presented.

FORESEE aims at developing a solution to be implemented in real scenarios. In this case, the highway A16 in Italy was the case study where technical presentations focussed. Concretely, participants discussed deployment of the algorithms through two methodologies able to support infrastructure managers in deciding on the prioritization of interventions in real-world practical situations (i.e. with various degrees of accuracy required, time-frames at disposition, expertise, and information available).

The presentations covered the following elements:

  • Methodology to define the transport system to be investigated, to measure the service provided and the resilience, and to set resilience targets, and
  • Methodology to prioritize resilience enhancing interventions, taking into account current and target values of resilience indicators


FORESEE will organize the 3rd online SRG workshop on Monitoring-based Decision Support for Resilient Transport Infrastructures next 18th March 2021.

For further information, please contact Jesús Rodríguez.


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    This project has received funding from the
    European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
    under grant agreement No 769373”

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