European Conference #2020RTR gives to resilient infrastructure a relevant role

European Conference #2020RTR gives to resilient infrastructure a relevant role

European Conference #2020RTR gives to resilient infrastructure a relevant role 910 640 Foreseeproject

On the 30th November and 1st December, the European Commission together with ERTRAC and EGVIA organised the 4rd edition of the H2020RTR, an annual event to display results from road transport research in H2020 projects.

The online conference was divided in several sessions grouping projects with similar objectives and areas including urban mobility, ITS, logistics, connected and automated transport, etc. A specific session on infrastructure reliance gathered around 70 experts to listen presentations from FORESEE, RESIST and SAFEWAY. David Garcia (Tecnalia) and Jose Diez (ERF) represented FORESEE addressing the presentation and participating in the digital booth as part of the exhibition part.

The conference has been traditionally focussed on vehicles but the special session on infrastructure with a high number of participants is proving a strong interest on the physical infrastructure. Indeed, other players from the sector acknowledge the importance of the network towards a safer, greener, more digital and intermodal transport and mobility.

Policy and research visions at EU level confirm that future mobility relies on the resilience of the network and its strategic engineering assets specially when facing extreme unexpected events caused by the human (accidents, terrorism) or the nature (climate change, earthquakes, flooding, etc).

Full agenda can be found here.

More information about the conference can be found here.

Please contact Jose Diez for further details.

EGVIA, ERTRAC and the European Commission (


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    This project has received funding from the
    European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
    under grant agreement No 769373”

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