Outputs / Publications
FORESEE will produce final results in March 2022. The project is divided in 9 Work Packages which will produce specific Deliverables and Milestones during its entire lifetime.
Processes and methods to define metrics and targets of Level of Service, risk and resilience
This WP will focus mainly on defining metrics to measure the Level of Service and resilience and setting target values for those parameters.
Data acquisition, collection, integration and management system
This WP relies heavily on a hybrid integration of both (in situ) terrestrial and satellite sensing systems for the monitoring of key infrastructures located in natural risk prone areas.
Design and development of novel adaptation measures. New materials and systems
This WP will focus on the design, development and assessment of novel adaptation measures (in the form of new materials, techniques and systems) to mitigate climate change effects and human threats in transport infrastructures
Updated methodologies, practices and solutions
This WP will focus on updating methodologies, practices and solutions, implementing the achievements gained in the previous WPs, to feed the FORESEE Toolkit to be developed in WP5.
FORESEE Response, Mitigation and Adaptation Toolkit
The overall objective of this WP is to develop an integrated and modular platform (the FORESEE Response, Mitigation and Adaptation Toolkit), which will host, correlate, integrate and render interoperable the various tools developed in WP4.
Case study application. Validation test cases
This WP will focus on validating and demonstrating the Toolkit developed in WP5 by means of different case studies, covering different scales, risks, countries and assets.
Resilience scheme application
This WP will focus on defining operational resilience schemes, covering the whole life cycle of infrastructures and resilience phases, able to reduce the impact and consequences of extreme events.
Exploitation, communication and dissemination activities
This WP will ensure visibility to the project by developing all communication and dissemination activities related to results. In addition, an exploitation strategy will facilitate its market implementation.
Coordination and management
This WP concerns the overall management of the project, including the management of the Consortium and quality of all inputs during the full lifetime of FORESEE.
Stakeholders Reference Group
17 September 2019 – London, UK